KOU ブログ



I am going to talk about an impression of one day after coming back to Japan and next schedules. 


I have still felt jet lag. Spending almost a week in another coutry was about time to get used to stay there. Hense, my body was close to these cultures. However, it was simontenously close to depature for home at the same time. I did not sleep well yesterday. Otherwise, I will sleep well tonight.


During june left about 10 days, I will go to Tokyo in order to paticipate in Next Generation Agriculture Summit. Before joining that, I am going to meet one person who is in charge of JAEC to talk about my carrer and one tranee called クリス. Also, I will visit a room as usual and may go to University and my friend's house.


Throuhgt the time, I may focus on creating personal statement and English Exam. I have been a tough time because most people around me have been enjoying their society life. Some have got private decision and others have worked for nice companies. However, I determined this chices by myself. Therefore, just keep forward. 


Good Night.